Radical Gratitude: Discovering Joy through Everyday Thankfulness - Ellen Vaughn - Google Buku

Radical Gratitude: Discovering Joy above Everyday Thankfulness - Ellen Vaughn

'No one tells a story better than Ellen Vaughn' ---Chuck Colson Why read a nice book approximately gratitude? After all, being thankful is not controversial. Everyone agrees that gratitude is a good pulling. Nor is it rocket science. It is simple. But radical gratitude is also remarkable, provocative, life-changing. It's like a pair of glasses that get progressively sharper: the more we thank, the more we see to be thankful for. Gratitude is the lens that reveals God's wonderful grace at work. It is the key to tangible, everyday joy. True to Ellen Vaughn's signature style, this book overflows with unforgettable, surprising stories that show gratitude's transforming power. It is fun, some quirky, deep . . . and immensely refreshing.


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