Disaster Preparation and Survival: How We Survived Hurricane Katrina and ... - John I. Blackwood - Google Buku

Disaster Preparation and Survival: How We Survived Hurricane Katrina and ... - John I. Blackwood

Many country find themselves unprepared when a disaster strikes. This principal will force you to think about what you need to do in orderly to survive such an occurrence and not lose the things that business most, such as your life (and the lives of your family), prized personal possessions, home and garage, and pets. We discuss how to drawn from the tap your home in order to avoid as much harm as possible, how to shop wisely and when to do so, generator use, and more! We also detail how to previous in the aftermath of a disaster when stores, gas stations, and public utilities are not functioning. At the end of the book are a number of checklists to principal you in your preparation.We survived an earthquake, a flooded out home, tropical storms, and hurricanes. This story is laced with personal stories, personally taken pictures, humor, and enough serious subject business that you will feel motivated to get to work now!Our planning saved us and our possessions. We know that our experiences and insight can help you too!


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